Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What makes you feel important?

There was a time when a cell phone ringing, beeping and buzzing was a sign that you were "important"...I think that time has passed.

There is a cliche' of the "important business person" or "popular guy/gal" that includes a scene where they're out in some social context and their power/popularity is displayed by the fact that their phone constantly lets them know that others are seeking them out.  Most of the time they seem to feel the need for some brief response or at least a look to see who it is.  They may make apologetic comments, but it seems that secretly they feel pretty badass that they are so critical to so many people.

These days most of us have phones that beep and buzz and turn into a rave party at the slightest bit of incoming information.  Personally, I'm impressed with a person who has the power, control, discipline and social acumen to ignore all of that incoming stimuli.  It shows that they have a strong, clear sense of being able to choose when and how information will influence them.  They are in control of their focus and interactions rather than letting others' priorities dictate when they have access to them.  To me, this is power.

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